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added button definition and keymap names for the Media Center Extender remote
keymap.xml support added: page+/page-, volume+/volume-
the following keys have the same IR code as the dvdkit remote
dvdkit(select) = extender(ok) = extender(enter)
dvdkit(display) = extender(xbox)
dvdkit(title) = extender(guide)
- 20-12-2004 fixed: IMDb changed their site + urls today. XBMC updated to suit.
To give you a small idea on how far we are currently.
we can already play video / music files perfectly.
The core is already integrated into xbmc itself so you can control the dvdplayer the same way as mplayer (switching audio channels / subtitles). Note that the new dvdplayer is far from ready to be put into public cvs!
just a few things that are already working
- dvd with menu support is already working for most of the dvd's I have
- displaying subtitles and switching between them on the fly
- menu button overlay is working for some dvd's
But as I said, there is still a lot to be done.
Make sure you don't have a DVD/CD in the drive. There is a bug in latest releases that cause it to take about 30 seconds.
hi. ifilm have canged their site now. i should be able to get the script fixed and i will post a new version as soon as its up and running. cheers.
Revision 1.340 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Thu Dec 2 10:08:33 2004 UTC (13 hours, 49 minutes ago) by jmarshallnz
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.339: +2 -0 lines
Diff to previous 1.339
02-12-2004: New settings system. !!! BREAKS EVERY SKIN KNOWN TO MAN !!!
30-11-2004 fixed: [ 970904 ] Screensaver stays on with WebServer/un-pause
30-11-2004 fixed: imdb info/thumbs not saved
29-11-2004 added: Kai protocol level debugging + Specify Kai engine host IP in Settings.
29-11-2004 fixed: [ 1072703 ] Joliet filenames corrupted
28-11-2004 fixed: weird bug whereby Kai friends list wasn't sorted correctly.
28-11-2004 fixed: serialize Kai game titleid resolution and player count requests.
28-11-2004 added: Movie runtime to IMDB info screen + combined Rating+Votes item
28-11-2004 added: get current Kai player count for each game in the games view.
28-11-2004 added: ability to force specific Kai arena - game title id mappings.
28-11-2004 fixed: possible lockup switching from gui to fullscreen video while video playing
28-11-2004 fixed: bug in kaiclient preventing voice chat from working.
27-11-2004 added: Show contact/friend avatar on Kai Toast popup.
27-11-2004 updated: Polish language file (Thnx to napek)
27-11-2004 added: flash Kai chat tab briefly when another player sends message while tab not currently selected.
27-11-2004 fixed: some memory leaks in the database code.
27-11-2004 added: GUIConditionalButton
27-11-2004 added: albuminfo, songs from are saved to database
26-11-2004 added: Use left and right trigger to change between Kai views.
26-11-2004 added: XLink Kai tabbed view.
25-11-2004 added: XLink Kai network reachable checking.
25-11-2004 changed: Fade in from dimmed and black screensaver
25-11-2004 fixed: Screen only partially filled on HDTV
24-11-2004 fixed: last folder not remembered on 'back' (sf bug #1071390)
24-11-2004 updated: Hungarian language file (Thnx to Tracy18)
24-11-2004 updated: Italian language file (Thnx to kotix)
24-11-2004 fixed: my programs, scanning doesn't free its memory
23-11-2004 fixed: kai pop-up killing speex audio while visible.
23-11-2004 added: modeless dialog rendering, kai pop-up less intrusive.
23-11-2004 added: inline text editor control (for Kai text chat and all who want it).
21-11-2004 added: Startup splash
21-11-2004 added: Kai text chat (alpha - needs a little visual tidy up, to be improved with 'in-line' edit control).
21-11-2004 added: GUIConsoleControl, for future use with Kai text-chat (and any other dialog that wants it!).
20-11-2004 fixed: [ 1068230 ] LCD Setting reverts to SmartXX (on restart).
20-11-2004 fixed: allow empty password in Kai hosted private arenas.
19-11-2004 changed: Embedded XBE icon now gets generated as program.tbn alongside program.xbe
19-11-2004 fixed: [ 1066151 ] My Programs: Icon and title not updated when switching DVD`s
19-11-2004 fixed: [ 1066281 ] Bookmarks on panel (right side) does not use Depth parameter
18-11-2004 fixed: handes high-volume of Kai app_specific requests.
18-11-2004 fixed: Various crashes when subtitle font was set to TTF
18-11-2004 added: Comprehensive Kai hosting options.
18-11-2004 fixed: Less aggressive Kai player profile requesting.
17-11-2004 fixed: Buttonscroller, icon is not shown when last control is not the scroller
17-11-2004 fixed: Kai hosting within private arenas (with sophisticated hosting options to follow soon)
16-11-2004 fixed: Accurate Kai reporting of XBOX Live Communicator / Headset status.
16-11-2004 fixed: Improved performance sorting Kai views (Friends, Games and Arenas).
15-11-2004 added: New screensaver interface/API with Template and sample (Pyro) screensaver
15-11-2004 updated: German (Austrian) language file (Thnx to CEOMR)
15-11-2004 updated: Portuguese (Brazil) language file (Thnx to wellingtontu)
15-11-2004 fixed: Crash in dialogs if some dialog skin files weren't present.
15-11-2004 fixed: Less intrusive warning on Kai disconnection and better reconnection facilities.