New Settings
On the heels of a new CVS build, new code has been added to CVS. It looks like the devs have reconfigured the settings menu and how thing will interact. Seems like Chokemaniac will have some work to do as well as all the other skin maintianers. The commit comments made me giggle.
Revision 1.340 - (view) (download) (annotate) - [select for diffs]
Thu Dec 2 10:08:33 2004 UTC (13 hours, 49 minutes ago) by jmarshallnz
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.339: +2 -0 lines
Diff to previous 1.339
02-12-2004: New settings system. !!! BREAKS EVERY SKIN KNOWN TO MAN !!!
anyone know how this improves XBMC? Also, I can't wait for an update to Project Mayhem II, I love that skin
Anonymous, at 12:01 AM
I'm not really sure, but at the rate they have been going, it can only make the settings menu better, more user friendly and scalable. :)
Jon, at 12:12 AM
Yip - thats the point, rather than lots of settings windows, to have it much more simplified and (I assume) less PC'ish
Anonymous, at 3:43 AM
Good, I'm all for less PC'ish...I dont have the 12-2-2004 CVS so I haven't seen what it looks likes and I'm holding off till Project Mayhem II is updated
Anonymous, at 7:47 AM
Yes, less PCish should be a goal. I'm a bit tired of the old directory listing style for browsing everything. We all know how bad My Music is when using an SMB share. Thank god for iTunes sharing.
I'd love to see them start displaying videos in a new innovative way.
Jon, at 9:07 AM
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