New CVS Build (1-15-05)
A new CVS build has been released. Its mainly bug fixes rather than new exciting features. Go grab it at the usual places.
- [ 1097753 ] Updated XBMC masterlock/share lock code (Thanks to slacker)
- Third rendering method using overlays. Added purely to help find the reason behind the quality improvements gained from the previous overlay method. This new method is identical to the previous overlays method, except it uses mplayers builtin YV12->YUY2 fast convertor. Further info will be available later today in this thread. NB: This output looks identical to my eyes as the output from the pixel shader.
- Second rendering method using overlays. Renderers can be switched from the GUI (Video Settings->Filters).
- Known Issues:
- 1080i may not be 100% in terms of Aspect ratio - it hasn't been tested
- Renderers cannot be switched on the fly - change will take effect at next movie play.
- Overlays method is much slower than the pixel shader method - reason is mostly to do with the software YV12->YUY2 conversion done by mplayer.
- Album thumbs don't show as icon for folder in listview
- [ 1039490 ] Fan speed reset to full speed on exit on 1.6 Xbox
- LPCM audio from ex. Music Video DVD's would only create static.
- Button scroller issues on homepage.
- [ 1059668 ] OSD and scene skip bug.
- Slideshow info shows part of directory instead of filename in osd
- subtitles wouldn't display if on CD/DVD
- fullscreen video view mode info, soften setting for video was not displayed
- Pathes in progress dialog where not correctly shortened
- scanning smb shares the second time doesn't show the add/rescan dialog
- audio skips once on startup of videos
- fixed [ 1090730 ] Playback Of MP3 Files With @
- playlist windows, current playing item disappears after using the context menu in it
- thumb cache was not cleared
- music playlist, all cue items show the tag info of the first file
- filemanager, lock mode wasn't updated in both panes
- filemanager, "Please insert disc" message on local shares
- [ 1088812 ] Onscreen Keyboard fails when editing shares.
- [ 1094724 ] Fan speed display bug
- IMDb didn't filter HTML codes if a single match was found.
- Texel alignment in video playback.
- default.tbn sometimes did not get generated in proper directory.
- [ 1094725 ] Getting stuck on system info screen
- possible problems with progress dialogs
- slow startup with DVD in drive
- music/video info hang
- [ 1092849 ] Cancel saving profile freezes the xbox
- [ 1092854 ] Music slide/shutdown menu freeze
- play a song in a folder, goto videos, start a movie, when movie ends the songs is played again
- extended asx parsing to support entryref tags and different tag-casing
- Webserver authentication now defaults to BASIC instead of DIGEST. Solves Firefox issues.
- minor GUIThumbnailPanel performance tweaks
- video/music info, smoother update of icons after getting information
- minor GUIListControl performance tweaks
- minor guiImage & xprfont performance tweaks
- Removed TITLE mapping to playlist view in My Music and My Videos - it's on the context menu anyway.
- cdrip encoders moved into dll's, this should result in a smaller executable and a bit faster cd ripping (don't forget to copy the new system folder!)
- New pixel shader output does YV12->RGB in one pass (using Butcher's old code).
- modal dialogs are completely rendered by the window manager now
- my music, background scanner can be canceled during its first operations
- Finnish, Norwegian, Greek, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simple), Spanish, Italian, Polish language file
- sqlitedataset to 0.60 (now in namespace dbiplus)
- guide mapping from MCE remote in keymap.xml - was an unnecessary double up.
The new render methods (YUY2 overlay), greaty improve the video quality.
Anonymous, at 5:16 PM
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